Saturday, April 14, 2007


Whew..this blog really pissed me off the day I tried to post a youtube vid on it. I was so frustrated with it I just ignored it. Then last week when I logged onto blogger I found they had something new called widgets. One of the widget features are youtube vids so I decided maybe I can use that to post the video I had wanted to post on my blog ages ago. So when I went to look for these widget features and how to use them blogger says I must "upgrade" first. It was involved..least to me that's what it seemed like, and in the end I gave up again - glad that i hadn't tried it on my main blog.
I guess boredom bought me back here and I decided to give it another shot. I'm still not sure how to use the widget features but I did figure out how to get the youtube video on and have it looking decent.. heh for those of you who witnessed the earlier mess I had made you'd agree ;)
Btw: I know the previous post has nothing to do with the roads of UAE but it has to do with cars so I decided to post it here..

Driving skills